Ability to Add Tags to a Client Profile when Creating a New Client

✅ Completed

When creating a new client (or adding tags to an existing client):

I would like to add a tag for a city/state to all clients I'm working with in a particular state.
I would like to add a tag to a client's profile for all SEO clients vs all social media clients, etc.

This will be quite useful when sorting clients with a search feature based on service category/service provided, or by geographic location.

Thanks team AgencyHandy!! You all rock!

D Coded

6 months ago

Agencyhandy changed status to ✅ Completed

3 months ago

Agencyhandy changed status to 🚧 In Progress

5 months ago

Agencyhandy changed status to ➡️ Next

5 months ago


DO you mean category?

1    5 months ago    Reply

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We love to listen to our customers.

D Coded

You can call them categories if you'd like.

What I mean is a way to 'tag' a client with information we can use to search and filter. For example, I may want to tag all of our SEO clients as "SEO", or all of our PR clients as "PR" or all of our Eccom clients as "Ecomm".

So that I can filter/search for those clients based on tags I used.

0    5 months ago    Reply

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