How to use/activate VAT in service prices?

🚧 In Progress

How and where can I enter our local Danish VAT (25%), so I can use prices with/without tax, and clarify tax-expence on the invoice (and proposal).
Making invoices with VAT also need to show the 'business registrationnumber' of my company. (In DK we call it CVR). Where can I put that number so it shows up on proposals/invoices.

As you said in our conversation about danish.json file, it seems that the terms "Company" and "Workspace" has been mixed. And in the interface I look in vain for somewhere I can put the 'overall' companyinfo (Like the CVR number) (vs. workspace info)

Mads Bischoff

2 days ago

Mads Bischoff

My busines (like all business) are forded to calculate VAT.
So how can I use your platform if it cannot take VAT into accoutnt?
And why have you make a line in invoice for VAT & TAX, if the system can not handle VAT?
You think VAT will be solves within few days?
I have to send out subsriptions to +100 persons, and I need to be able to mention price with and without VAT.

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