Optimize how SocialLinks are rendered

🚧 In Progress

Regarding the Social-links in the footer of email-templates;
It would be nice to be able to add intro text (Like: "Find us on Social Media").

Also it would be nice to be able to put link to my own company (usings websites favicon)
I same way as adding links til LinkedIn/Facebook. Maybe just using a generic icon for websites.

The generated link is VERY long:(example: https://tgh8vghw.r.ap-southeast-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FSafiTrommerComputer/1/010e01957d1f67ab-6a950e5d-b230-48ec-92e1-6a192cfba0f5-000000/v0BbQ7qmbKQpW57BAXLkRrWJ9MM=201)
Obviously including some trackercode. But what is that? Is it possible to get rid of and same a safe clean trustwothy link? (the claen link is https://www.facebook.com/SafiTrommerComputer)

AND BTW: It looks like that there are placed yet a tracker, an invisible pixel, at the button of the mailcontent. Who is tracking for what purpose? Have you set up tracking via awstrack.me? mI dont want this!
Hope you can optime on all of this 😀

Mads Bischoff

2 days ago

Agencyhandy changed status to 🚧 In Progress

2 days ago

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