Translation of payment confirmations mails, and showing correct amount

🚧 In Progress

How to change content in client email "Payment Confirmation for <<service>>"?

When system send me an email to notify me that an invoice has been paid, it is all in english (where/how can I translate?)

Also; The sender ID on email to me about client payment has sender ID: "Agency Handy (>"
And also it is showing logo for Agency Handy, instead of my logo.
I would like the sender ID to be "Hotspot SΓΈvang (" as it is in most mails sent to clients?).

Also, in the generated notification it says "Amount Paid: "0", even the invoice was "6". It looks like it does not catch the unique amount correct.

Mads Bischoff

2 days ago

Agencyhandy changed status to 🚧 In Progress

2 days ago

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